Any home-design deci- sions, whether while building a new home or improving an existing one, need to be thought out carefully. That means taking into consideration the needs of every member of the family – including your pets. It is possible for humans to share a home with one or more four-legged friends without it turning into a zoo. The goal is to
make an environment that is safe and comfortable for your cat or dog while protecting any proper- ty from getting smashed or shredded. Any homeowner with animals who doesn’t prepare their home properly is asking for trouble. A good approach is to pet- proof your home as if you were childproofing it. Consider the world from their vantage point.
Take an inventory of all the indoor plants and make sure that none of them are toxic to animals. Consult a veterinarian if you have any doubts. Anything that is within reach of a dog and its tail should be moved to higher ground. Dogs see the world as their chew toy, so any exposed electrical wires need to be secured. Drapes that have loose, dangling fabric won’t last long with a
cat around, and, no matter how tall it is, all pieces of furniture can be scaled by your beloved
feline. So don’t think that familyheirloom vase on the top shelf of a bookcase is safe. It’s not. The furniture isn’t safe either, even if you’re successful in keeping your critters from claiming
them as their own. Fur will find a way onto couches and chairs regardless if a pet climbs up on
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